Saturday, February 07, 2009

In a race with Time. I must be the winner.

I don't wanna be 20 y.o.!
I haven't do what a nineteen y.o. should do.
I want to do alot alot alot of stuffs.
I donn't want my nineteen to be so dull.

Let's go do the extreme!
yes! an adrenalin-rush addict.

let's go surfboarding in KlangRiver.
and play with the sand flies.
and picnic on the beach.

i'm just crapping. =D
this is the time where imagination runs WILD!
I like when my imagination run REAAAALLY wild.
i need sleep.
and i love my evening dresses on the paper.

ooooh, i suka sangat lecturer aku.

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